Jurnal pengertian kenakalan remaja
Jurnal pengertian kenakalan remaja

jurnal pengertian kenakalan remaja

In terms of juvenile delinquency law is classified into two groups relating to legal norms, namely: (1) delinquency that is immoral and social and is not regulated in law so it can not or is difficult to be classified as a violation of law (2) delinquency which is unlawful with the settlement in accordance with the law and applicable law is the same as unlawful conduct if committed by an adult.

jurnal pengertian kenakalan remaja

Juvenile delinquency refers to adolescent behavior that is not in accordance with the norms that live in the community.

jurnal pengertian kenakalan remaja

This of course has a big impact on the success or failure of children in learning while learning from home.Juvenile Delinquency is a deviant behavior that occurs among adolescents. The duties of being a guide, educator, caregiver, carer and also being a teacher for children need to be strengthened. For this reason, in the midst of Covid-19 which makes the family the center of activity, parents must again realize its important role in the education of teenagers. experiencing rapid changes both physically and psychologically. This happens because usually parents think that when a child has entered adolescence, the child can take care of himself, even though the child's age range is moderate. Usually this tendency mostly occurs in adolescents, so social deviant behavior or delinquency often occurs in adolescents. The role that parents have tended to ignore when sending their children to formal schools is by fully leaving the issue of children's education to schools and parents keeping themselves busy with their work. This condition brings fresh air regarding the important role of the family as an educational institution. Especially parents, on the one hand parents have to do their job, on the other hand parents also have to assist the child's learning process. Since the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), it has had consequences for two new activities that focus on the home, namely "Work from Home" and "School from Home" (learning from home). Juvenile Delinquency, Learning from Home, Covid 19 Abstract

Jurnal pengertian kenakalan remaja