Finally, here's the link for the July ZOOM meeting.This fall I was finally able to attend my beloved Liberty Antiques Festival.

If you have additional projects to share with us (including blocks of the month) send pictures to and we will do our technical best to share them on our zoom meeting. For Show and Share this month, we will be featuring the submissions that have been shared in our virtual gallery ( ) since the last meeting.This months block is "Big Cross" inspired by Modern Influencer Denyse Schmidt.We will still accept last minute submissions, any pre-planning we can do will be immensely helpful. To help simplify the process, Faye is asking for everyone who plans to participate to please email her ASAP with the following information: Type of item and approximate size. Prizes will be gift certificates to Bernina-We're in Stitches. We thank Leslie White for making the challenge possible. Items will be dropped, judged, photographed and published on blog, then picked up at Bernina-We're in Stitches. To accomodate our continued commitment to safety we will use a modified format-dates and details to follow. The Annual Guild Challenge is NEXT month.

After that, Housetops share the technique of joining rectangular strips of cloth so that the end of the strip’s long side connects to one short side of a neighboring strip, eventually forming a kind of frame surrounding the central patch increasingly larger frames or borders are added until a block is declared complete.” Read more about these dynamic quilts and the BOM on the blog or click here for PDF instructions. The Housetop, from the composite block down to its constituent pieces, echoes the right angles of the quilt’s borders, initiating visual exchanges between the work’s edges and what is inside… It begins with a medallion of solid cloth, or one of an endless number of pieced motifs, to anchor the quilt. Its all-around simplicity hosts many experiments in formal reduction and, at the same time, offers a compositional flexibility unchallenged by other multipiece patterns. According to, the Housetop and Bricklayer block refers to any quilt dominated by concentric squares. The “Housetop” style quilt, a style readily found among the Gee’s Bend quilts is the basis of this month’s block.